Friday, September 17, 2010

JNOS mentioned in October 2010 QST

It's been a while since we had JNOS mentioned in QST.

This month Steve Ford, WB8IMY, covered WINMOR in his "ECLECTIC TECHNOLOGY" page. He ends with:

"It is worth noting that the WINMOR TNC help application is also available separately to third party developers who wish to add the WINMOR protocol to their products, so we may be seeing it in other software packages as well. Maiko, VE4KLM, is already working on interfacing the WINMOR TNC code into JNOS 2.0. See his Web site at"

Far out and kudos to Maiko for his continuing efforts.

Bill, WA7NWP

PS. Note that BPQ32, W0RLI's SNOS and another chat application I don't follow very closely are also hooked to WINMOR.

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